Rich Gossweiler
current date


The BlueBoard project was developed at IBM's Almaden Research Center by Dr. Daniel M. Russell (Senior Manager, IBM), Dr. Rich Gossweiler (research scientist, IBM) and Jong Hee Kang (summer intern, Ph.D. candidate, Washington University) to explore computer interfaces in public spaces. Its primary goal was to support easy, rapid access to individual information and information-sharing through light-weight, shoulder-to-shoulder collaboration.
Blueboard's initial development was so successful that a version of it was installed in the main lobby of the IBM Watson Research Lab, and later, was requested for installation in IBM CEO Lou Gerstner's boardroom.

Early NPUC Prototype Video (circa November, 2002)

BlueBoard Video (circa June, 2003)


Daniel Russell, Rich Gossweiler, Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 354-361, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Beverly Harrison, Rich Gossweiler, SIGCHI 2001 Workshop. 2001.